superhero mom

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Check out the photos below! We had the best time in Banff with my brother Kelly and his family. We were so lucky to find a great campsite close to Banff. It was a tad on the cold side during the night...Cari discovered a great way to warm up the tent, she heated a rock up in the fire and then put it in a pot in the tent, I guess it warmed it right up and kept it warm for a few hours. Jeff wouldn't let us do the same thing, he said the kids might touch it and burn themselves, but I think the real reason is he likes to cuddle :) It was great to spend some time in the city, I've been through it so many times, but I haven't had the opportunity to take the time to tour around. We visited some shops, went on a hike, had a picnic in the park, learnt some history on how the Hot Springs were discovered, visited a lake, ate some incredible food and the best part was getting to hang out with my older brother who I don't get to see that often! On the way back home we went through Drumheller which is filled with dinosaurs all over town. We stopped to go inside their biggest dinosaur which you can see in the pictures. Now we're back home busy planning a birthday party for a superhero turning three!! It's hard to believe little Ben isn't so little anymore.


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