superhero mom

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

okay, we're done...for now

What a day, we got our new countertops, we absolutely love them, what a huge ordeal though just to get them in. Here's a little FYI, when you get a quote on countertops and they include installation, be advised that only means they will install the NEW countertop, which leaves the owner up to the huge task of removing all the old counters as well as all the Plumbing. Why wouldn't they tell you that when you ask for the install? And why do they expect the average homeowner to be able to do that? So let's just say last night was a long night with attempting to remove the counters, finally giving up late in the night, only to have the installers come in the morning, grabbed their crowbar and had it out in minutes! Now why didn't I think to do that. And then after Jeff's job of removing the sink (i.e. starting by loosing, getting mad, and cutting important hoses with a knife) I spent the rest of the day giving myself a crash course on sink installation and repair. The funny thing is that I just couldn't walk away from that stupid sink...I must of tightened then realized I forgot to put on something so undo then tighen then have to undo at least 10 times, meanwhile stuck under a dirty sink, in cramped quarters, but I did it! So what's the lesson in all this? Love your husband, but keep your plumber on speeddial.


  • At 9:10 a.m., Blogger The Lamoureux's said…

    I like what you have done with your kitchen. It looks great!!

    I keep checking in for a new post! Hope to see one soon!


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