superhero mom

Thursday, March 08, 2007

One month later...getting settled in.

Well it's been almost one month now and we are pretty much settled in, there are still a few boxes in the corners waiting to be unpacked but we seem to have everything we need, so I can't imagine what could be in these boxes. Maybe I should just throw them out! We've already been able to use our guest bedroom for our best friend from the coast, Pam. As you can see from the pictures I've changed the kitchen a bit, but as for the rest of the main floor it's just perfect although Jeff seemed to think we needed a Plasma in the living room, he was suffering from noplasmatosis, and if that's what my hubby needs well, I just ran out and got one for that man of mine. But all in all the move went incredibly well, we had a lot of help from our friends and I couldn't believe how fast everything got moved in, it may have had to do with the -35 degree weather it kept us all on our toes. We would like to sent out a heartfelt thanks to those who worked so hard to get us into our new house, we couldn't have done it without you! Jeff started to sweat just from looking at the boxes that we had to load. So if you find yourselves in the neighborhood, drop in for a visit... hahaha, nobody is ever in this neighborhood. The boys have started at the new school here and came home quite happy about it. I'm sure in no time they will have lots of new friends. On a sidenote after many long months we finally hit the plus side the weather guage, a whopping plus 2 degrees! Woohoo, let the melting begin!!!


  • At 9:19 p.m., Blogger L&D said…

    That is FANTASTIC what you did with the kitchen. It seriously is so awesome!!!!! The house looks beautiful and I love the colors. I'll be sure not to show this to my hus because he too suffers from nonplasmatosis. But um, school tuition is more of a priority right now.


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