superhero mom

Sunday, May 21, 2006

My money making son

So we had a garage sale this weekend. I decided to buy a ton of pop and sell it...the day starts out okay, I'm selling a couple pop here and there and I'm starting to get worried about having a house full of pop. Then out comes Jonah and he's wanting to help so I asked him if he wanted to sell the pop. Well, what do you know, he's selling pop left and right! Everybody wants to buy pop from a kid and Jonah was loving it calling out "pop for sale" every time someone comes by. Totally adorable! Of course, the best part about it is that he's still too young for it to occur to him to pocket any money he makes off of it, instead he would sell a pop and run and give ME the money. Ahh, isn't life grand! I give him another year before he wisens up.


  • At 4:23 p.m., Blogger L&D said…

    What, are you like too busy to blog for us now?!


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