superhero mom

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Easter is coming!

When I've got lots to do but am lacking in the desire to get up and do it, I will check out other blogs. I came across one that puts out recipes, love the idea, so here's one that I just made for my bi-weekly MOPS group that I attend as well as prepare a brunch for. Jeff's niece always makes this for Thanksgiving and as Easter is coming up I thought it quite appropriate to post so here it is.
Wheat Salad
1 cup Wheat pre-cooked (what I do is boil a huge amount all at once for two hours then just freeze it so it's ready to go when you need it) 5 tbsp. sour cream 1 lrg. package dry instant pudding 1 can crushed pineapple-undrained 1 can mandarin oranges-drained 1/2 c. Cool Whip (better if you use a bit more than what it calls for)
Stir it up and enjoy-so easy!
(This picture is actually a double batch).
The boys made these at their pre-school - so cute! Their teacher always has great ideas. Apparently in Europe they make these Easter trees and it's quite the bing thing there. Mrs. J cut these cherry blossom branches (pussy willow branches is what they were supposed to be) and stuck them in the planter with (oh no, I can't remember the name it's like cement-you mix it with water) anyway, the branches will suck the moisture and in a few days they will bloom! The eggs are blown out and the kids dressed them up with Easter jackets and dyed them as well. They also hung gummy worms on the tree-they didn't last long.
Enough procrastinating, I'm off to clean the house-my parents are arriving in the morning to stay for a whole week!!!


  • At 3:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Get back to work, and stop blogging!
    Even though i like to read about whats happening at home.

    Luv Ya

  • At 3:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey do i get a taste of that? save a bit for me!

  • At 9:47 p.m., Blogger Leslie said…

    Hi ... I'm new, but I love your blog. I love the meanderings of momma, wife, etc. At least I'm not alone in that realm. :) Stop by mine anytime!


  • At 10:11 p.m., Blogger L&D said…

    I guess you figured out what ever it was you needed help with. YOur message made me laugh, especially when you felt the need to announce who you were just before you hung up. Um, I know your voice yanno. You didn't even have to bother. But thanks for the burst of laughter at your expense anyhow.

  • At 8:52 p.m., Blogger L&D said…

    Easter has come and gone, babe.


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