superhero mom

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Do you have kids that bring home crafts and drawings EVERY day!! Well I have two boys who do that and my fridge just insn't big enough to hold all that, nor do I like the look of an over-cluttered fridge. So I came up with the best idea to display their precious artwork. You know at Christmas you can buy those strings with clips on them for your christmas cards, well when christmas was over I just left the string up and now we can enjoy all the boys' artwork without it getting in the way and every few weeks I take down some of the older stuff and either throw it in the recycle bin or file it away to keep! This definately works for me!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Works for me Wendesday

My Works for me Wednesday tip is all about keeping track of your monthly bills. I've been talking to different people about how they keep track of what's due and it seems there are lots of good and not so good ideas out there! What do you use?
What I do is keep track of it on an Excel spreadsheet (as seen below). I have a different sheet for each month of the year and at the end of the year all that is needed is to empty out the spaces and start over. It really helps to know what's due next. It works for me!


I know it's not earthshattering or anything but it's something to warm up the space a bit. I'd love to do more with the space (it's our bootroom, by the way) but it's small so it's hard to figure out. Those closet doors open up to the most amazing closet storage! Right now I have 6 kids in the house plus there is my husband, my two children and myself and those closets are holding ALL of our coats, snow pants, mits, toques (this is Canada folks, that's what we call our hats!) and whatever else, how great is that! In case you're wondering we're still in major winter mode at a chilly -30 C that's equivalent to -20 F I believe. Yikes!
. Maybe if I win the contest at Rare and Beautiful Treasures, Layla from the Lettered Cottage could help me figure this space out!

Monday, March 09, 2009

weekend update

This weekend we decided to put a ceiling in the craft room. Our basement has been open beem since we moved in and we have recently gotten around to insulating the ceiling and have discovered it is going to cost quite a bit of money to finish it with either the lay-in panel or the 12x12 squares that get stapled on. So when we were walking through our local hardware store we saw these 4 x 8 sheets of corrugated plastic for 12.99. So two sheets later and a strip of vinyl plastic to join the seems we have a new ceiling in the craft room for under $30.00. Now that's a good deal! On the down side I ended up slicing up my thumb pretty good with the exacto knife.
(I know, I know, the walls are hideous, I plan to rectify that situation in the near future)

Monday, March 02, 2009

One small step to reorganization...

I've been wanting to switch these shelf liners since we moved in and finally got around to doing it this last week. It gave me the opportunity as well to reorganize all my shelf spaces and amazingly enough I ended up emptying out three shelves (which goes to show how one can end up cluttering up their drawers quite quickly!). So after creating an empty drawer I decided to make a new home for my knives. I am quite impressed with myself because I remember at the time of buying the knives we were given the option to buy the knife block as well and at the time I had thought to myself that they were asking an outrageous amount for it. So I found this piece of wood in my garage, cut four lines through it and now I have a great place for my knives without having to put another thing on my counter! I love it! My husband laughed at the way I spaced it out and the idea of having a whole drawer for four knives. Afterwards I thought it's kinda hilarious too, but if you got the room, why not?
And don't you just love the new liners?!