superhero mom

Monday, March 09, 2009

weekend update

This weekend we decided to put a ceiling in the craft room. Our basement has been open beem since we moved in and we have recently gotten around to insulating the ceiling and have discovered it is going to cost quite a bit of money to finish it with either the lay-in panel or the 12x12 squares that get stapled on. So when we were walking through our local hardware store we saw these 4 x 8 sheets of corrugated plastic for 12.99. So two sheets later and a strip of vinyl plastic to join the seems we have a new ceiling in the craft room for under $30.00. Now that's a good deal! On the down side I ended up slicing up my thumb pretty good with the exacto knife.
(I know, I know, the walls are hideous, I plan to rectify that situation in the near future)


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