superhero mom

Monday, June 05, 2006

My Birthday

It was supposed to be a surprise birthday party but the night before while we were grocery shopping I started to wonder why we would be buying 40 burgers, two watermelons, tons of pop and chips (what should I give him...a B for effort?). Well, I had a lot of fun...I absolutely love having barbeques.

We had a huge plate of watermelon which was gone in about five seconds from the hords of children...Ben obviously didn't get enough, here he's starting to go through the leftovers scrounging for scraps!


  • At 1:10 p.m., Blogger L&D said…

    Oh hunny, I am so in my own little school world. I have an exam in 2 days and haven't left the house. I want to NOW wish you a happy birthday. So sorry I forgot. It sure looks like you had fun.


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