superhero mom

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Manitou Beach!

What a fabulous weekend we had! We decided Friday morning that we would go camping, I decided to finally check out Manitou Beach. We've been invited there many times by my grandparents, but it has never worked out. Now I know what I've been missing! We had so much fun! Manitou Beach is such a cute little place. The campsite was nice (with a playground right beside our site!), the Beach was great, we went to the drive-in theatre, as well as checked out their flea market. What more could you ask for in a camping experience!?

Friday, July 21, 2006

New Sleeping Location?

Iswear this child sleeps in the oddest places! I have pictures of him sleeping under a desk, on top of the change table, half on the couch, half off, and now this. Yesterday Jeff and Jonah went out on some errands, and poor Ben was so upset, he stood at the door crying. It was time for bed anyway so I went downstairs to get his sheets from the laundry to make his bed up and when I came out to get him here he was, sound asleep.

Monday, July 17, 2006

snapshots of moments

Definition: Ju-ly (joo li') n., 1. the fastest month of the year, 2. gone in a blink of an eye: abbrev/ Jul.

We had some unexpected guests this past week, Jeff's brother and sister-in-law. We were able to get away one evening for a round of golf and had a great time! We thought we might have to leave early as there was a bit of a lightning storm, but we were lucky as it went around us.

I finally got around to picking strawberries, but I was a couple days late, as they were a tad on the ripe side, but Ben didn't seem to mind too much!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

I'm Back!

We lost it ALL! Everything on our computer! We just got a digital camera, so everything from the past month is totally gone! As well, we used to borrow a digital from Jeff's work, so we had a lot of other pictures from the past year as well that are gone! Let this be a reminder to everyone to SAVE, do not put it off! At least I have a few left from this blog! On another note, I got a bike trailer last week! Freedom, At last! We biked to my friend's house and today we are going to bike to the paddling pool. It works great, too. It wasn't as hard to pull as I had thought, considering I'm pulling nearly 100 lbs with the bike and two kids! Keep in mind there's no such thing as hills where I live, I wouldn't want to try using it in a place like...British Columbia(I knew there was a good reason to move to the Prairies).

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Our computer is down! I'm not sure when it will be fixed...please stay posted... The kids and I are spending the long weekend and following week with my parents AND grandparents! How lucky for the kids to get spoilt by not only one set but two sets of grandparents!!!!