superhero mom

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Growing UP!

Jonah and I went to a birthday party on Sunday at the pool. We were really excited to go because we knew this pool had a great waterslide. So after swimming for a little while we headed for the waterslide. We went down a bunch of times when I mentioned to Jonah that he could try going down the slide by himself if he wanted. He thought it was a great idea and off he went! I couldn't believe it, he just walked off by himself, up the stairs and down the slide. At what point did I miss my son growing up so much leaving me stuck waiting at the bottom with my arms outstretched?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

On the Road Again...

I'm so glad to be on the road again! It's been three years and four months of living life as a single car household and I am happy to say that I am the proud owner of a Chevrolet Astro Van!!!! If you recall my excitement of receiving a bike and trailer at the beginning of the summer then you can only imagine my excitement in receiving an actual means of transportation complete with motor, music apparatice (radio) and seating for 7! Just imagine what I can bring home now from garage sales, it kind of scares Jeff because before I was restricted to what could fit on my bike :)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Fall is upon us,

Fall is here, and with that comes leaves...and staying away from the neighbours! We have two of the biggest trees in the neighbourhood, and as wonderful as they are in the summer, in the fall they bring the huge responsibility of cleaning up all their leaves...let's just say that we appreciate the wind to spread the wealth just a bit, but when our neighbours who don't have one tree in their yard are bagging multiple bags of leaves, I'm thinking they might not be that happy about it. Anyways, after only three years of living here I've finally figured it out. Use the lawn mower to suck them up! Way better than having to rake it all up. Whew! Song of the day: KT Tunstall - Suddenly I see. That's it for me tonight, Happy 30th to my big brother!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I've discovered that one of my favorite jackets is missing tonight, I know that I wore it two weeks ago but when I tried to retrace my steps for the past two weeks do you think that I can remember one day from the next? It's like one big blur, days running into each other. Maybe those people out there who keep diaries have a good thing going...I on the other hand am going to dig out the bank statements, hopefully they'll give a little insight into where I've been the past two weeks. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Nashville pics

As you can see my convention trip with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) was full of excitement. We were able to do some touristy things like visiting the Grand Ole Opry as well as the General Jackson Showboat Boat. The first two pictures are in the hotel. This hotel is unbelievably large. You really can't describe the largness of it. The convention was great and we left with a rejuvenated spirit and some new and fresh ideas for the upcoming year.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hello? Anyone still checking?

Yikes, it's October! How did that happen? well, obviously lots has gone on since I last posted, I'll throw on a few pics of the trip to Vancouver...

It was so funny to see people's reactions when I told them Me and the boys took the Greyhound all the way to Vancouver. We did survive, and I didn't have to be as brave as I thought I would, the kids were unbelievably great the whole trip.

First item on my trip: go to my friend's wedding where I hooked up with some old friends! The wedding was absolutely beautiful, both the bride and the location. Unfortunately most of my pics of that event didn't turn out.

Well in less than three weeks we managed to do pretty much everything we could possibly think to do, as you can see we went flying, enjoyed the zoo, attended the P.N.E., went bowling, had many fun times at my parent's jumping on the trampoline, riding the dirt bike not to mention the riding lawn mower. We also were able to go the West Edmonton Mall there and back. We were able to meet up with Jeff on the way back in Edmonton where we hung out at a hotel (where we finally found a good waterslide!) with our good friends. We also visited with Jeff's brother and his family.

Obviously too much happened in too short of a time, thanks to everyone we visited for all their hospitality, we had such a great time!

Upcoming: My trip to Nashville, Tennessee...stay tuned.