superhero mom

Sunday, May 21, 2006

My money making son

So we had a garage sale this weekend. I decided to buy a ton of pop and sell it...the day starts out okay, I'm selling a couple pop here and there and I'm starting to get worried about having a house full of pop. Then out comes Jonah and he's wanting to help so I asked him if he wanted to sell the pop. Well, what do you know, he's selling pop left and right! Everybody wants to buy pop from a kid and Jonah was loving it calling out "pop for sale" every time someone comes by. Totally adorable! Of course, the best part about it is that he's still too young for it to occur to him to pocket any money he makes off of it, instead he would sell a pop and run and give ME the money. Ahh, isn't life grand! I give him another year before he wisens up.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Watermelon...the Mennonite way.

What a great Mother's Day I had! Breakfast in bed...and then for supper I made one of my most favorite meals, Watermelon & Roll Kuchen. It was such a nice day we were able to eat outside, which I love to do!

I've only met a few people who know what "Roll Kuchen" is and have therefore been the one to introduce it to many people. I feel that it is my responsibility to introduce such a fantastic meal to those who have not heard of it. Basically, you cut up your watermelon and eat it with a deep fried pastry which is called Roll Kuchen. I have finally discovered the perfect plug the deep fryer outside so that I could make them while we were eating (they taste the best while still hot). Let me know if you want the recipe if you want to try a good summer treat!

Friday, May 12, 2006


I would like to congratulate myself for buying gas at Canadian Tire. As of one year ago I began collecting Canadian Tire Money and today after filling up on fuel, I received another $2 Can. Tire bill which brings me to exactly $100.00 Canadian Tire money. Woohoo! Now do you think I can decide on what to buy with it? But it sure is fun to browse that their catalogue, thinking of all the wonderful things I can get...gotta love it. The funny thing is if you receive an older Can. Tire money note, you can actually make even more money off of it on eBay!
On eBay My New Theme Song!
Click on the icon "On eBay" to view link (not the stupid videos icon)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Well it's one of those days...rainy, (although great for all those plants that I recently transplanted), so now I'm catching up on some reading of blogs (quite the job by the way with so many to read) while at the same time keeping peace with my little superheroes. Jonah has a little friend over this morning and they're playing Play-Doh and singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm". How cute is that!!! I thought I would mention why my Blog page is called 'Superhero'. You see, I am required to know all the superhero songs and provide the appropriate attire for each superhero, including Superman, Spiderman, Batman and recently Supers (The Incredibles). There is not a day that goes by without some mention of a superhero. Halloween ended up being quite simple this year because Ben has Superman pyjamas (which comes with a cape), so all we did was throw them over his regular clothes, slip some of Jonah's red underwear over them and off he went. Hey, who knows the song where it talks about putting "a feather in his hat and calling it macaroni"?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Spring Fever

So I just found out I got it...Spring Fever for...Garage Saling! Winter can be deceiving, you slowly forget all about that feeling you get Saturday morning, but then Spring arrives and you suddenly wake up one morning and it hits's sunny, it's Spring. So you race down to the Internet (of course you stop and make a cup of coffee first) and print out The List. Check the time, it's 8:30, plenty of time to get out there to get the pick of the crop. The excitement is building and as you head out of the house you get the feeling that today anything can happen. The feeling of joy you get of rifling through other people's belongings, just to find those rare gems. Now if you're reading this, you're one of two people...either you totally get what I'm talking about or you don't and if you're in the latter group you might as well stop reading because you're scratching your head not having a clue. If you come into my house and take a look around you might happen to comment on some of the things you see and you'll say "now where did you get that" and you can almost bet the answer will be "at a garage sale" and you can also bet that I'll be pleased as punch to make that announcement. That's right, I am a bargain hunter and proud of it. So there I was first garage sale of the year (and I'm blaming what happened solely on that fact). The first thing I laid eyes on and I knew I loved it, it was this fabulous antique table that could change to be approx. six different sizes for the fabulous price of $20...but then it happened...I hesitated. I thought to myself, I need to check with Jeff...huge mistake. I knew I had a couple minutes because I was actually there before they were open and our house was just down the street, so I ran home told Jeff about it, ran back and there it was with a sticker stuck to it "Sold". HESITATION, it will get you every time without doubt. That's the nature of the game, you can't do it or you will find yourself walking that long walk back home empty handed. And what gets me the most about it is that I 100% know better. You can't hesitate you just have to buy it if you love it and as Jeff says, if you bring it home and you change your mind you can always sell it in your garage sale. So ladies and gentlemen, the season has just begun, get out there and have fun!