superhero mom

Monday, June 19, 2006

We did it!

So we were supposed to go camping last weekend, but we were rained out, so this weekend we went instead. All week, the weather forecast was saying nothing but good things about the weekend. Friday morning came and I checked again, yep, Sat. and Sun. sunny! So off I went getting ready and packing. Packing is no easy task either, you really need a whole day in itself to pack. It's not like going off to a hotel. You need to remember a million and one things. Last year we did this same camping trip. I was quite the novice then and figured we could just grab a few things and hit the road. Well I soon discovered when we got to the campsite, that one needs to be able to chop the wood that is there, as well it would be nice to have some sort of tool to stir your eggs, or dish soap to wash your get the idea.

So this time was going to be different, I made a list and spent all day getting ready. Well, Friday afternoon came and I thought I would check the forecast one more time...RAIN, all weekend! How can the forecast change so quickly! Well, I did not spend all afternoon packing just to unpack, so we went anyways. Friday evening was the nicest, pretty warm and only a little clouded over. Then Saturday, after it had rained during the night, was okay in the morning. We were able to have our breakfast and hang out a bit before it started to rain. So we went back into the tent and had a little "quiet" time, (pretty much laying down while the kids ran from one side of the tent to the other jumping on Jeff). So we decided to go for a drive to a nearby town. We did a little shopping in the stores and went down to the lake and watched the wind surfers and kite surfers for a while. Then it stopped raining in time for us to go back to our site and have supper and sit around the campfire. So I consider ourselves quite lucky not having to cook supper in the rain!

So weather and all, we had a great time and the best thing about this particular campsite is that they have a playground right beside it. So the kids can spend as much time as they like playing while we can watch them at the campsite...gotta love it. And yes even with the list, there was a few things we did forget, but I have to say we didn't do too bad at all.


  • At 8:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tammy this is just great, I love your pictures and your write ups. Keep up the good work, you are a great mom to your boys. Look forward to seeing you soon.
    Love Mom


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